
Cloud Monk curated 5 articles in his Wiki (Built using DokuWiki - This Wisdom comes from the 3500+ volume Cloud Monk Library - See Books Purchased by Cloud Monk) and observations and questions.

On Study and Practice: “If you practice, but don't study, it is blind. If you study, but don't practice, it is sterile.” – Buddhist Tien Tai Master Zhi Yi

DevOps is the union of people, process, and products to enable continuous delivery of value to our end users.” – Donovan Brown of Microsoft. DevOps is better value, sooner, safer, happier.

Main specialization of Cloud Monk is Pythons DevOps and Python Automation, Django-Flask REST APIs / gRPC - GraphQL with MySQL DBaaS

Please read my full detailed Resume:

The Cloud Monk is Losang Jinpa (a.k.a. Michael Reid Kreuzer), PhD, MCSE/MCT, is a Python Cloud Native DevOps-GitOps Cloud Engineer.

Cloud Monk focuses on:

My studies for the last 6 years on Pluralsight:

Having worked in IT since 1982, Ayurveda since 1997, Losang is temporarily in retreat / retired from both IT and Ayurveda, but never retired or retreating from the Buddha Dharma.

Tilopa's Six Words of Advice

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